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Column: Be a Health-Nut, without hating it.

When you treat your body well, you achieve obvious health benefits that greatly improve your life.

“Eat healthy and exercise”- We all know this is the main way to lose weight and be healthy. But what exactly must you do to have the benefits of a healthier life? And do you have to go crazy limiting yourself to bland foods and stressing yourself out with an exercise regimen? Not so much. It is a lot easier than one would think, even little changes make a big difference.

Eating healthy is one thing, but you also have to know how much to eat. Maintain a balance between how many calories you consume compared to how many calories your body uses. The recommended daily average is 2000, but it also depends on your height, weight, gender, and physical activity.

So how much of what? Eating a variety of foods is beneficial. The healthiest foods are fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes- which are complex carbohydrates full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, are low in fat, and cholesterol free. Organic is the best option because it is free of preservatives, chemicals, and genetically modified ingredients.

Drinking a lot of water is also incredibly vital to our health, being as our bodies are made up of about 75% water. Water helps flush our systems, especially the kidneys and bladder, of waste products and toxins. If you don’t like drinking water like me, add a splash of citrus juice or make some iced green tea, which not only adds a twist to your everyday glass of water, but has it’s own health benefits. Green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a powerful anti-oxidant that besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue.

By eating healthy you are boosting your energy levels, improving your bodily functions, and helping to improve your immune. You will sleep better and be more rested when you wake up, and have more energy throughout the day. You will meet your daily nutritional needs and consume the necessary vitamins and minerals which can boost your immune system and shield you from many common illnesses.

Exercise is also necessary for a healthy lifestyle. The recommended for adults is 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a week, such as walking, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity like jogging or running. This is reasonable if you put it into proportion, 1 hour and fifteen minutes (75 minutes) of jogging is about a 35 minute session only twice a week or 25 three times a week.

Muscle strength training is also necessary to keep your legs, hips, arms, and back in good shape and moving how they should. This is necessary just two or more times a week.

An easy way to achieve these goals is a gym membership, if possible with your budget. Gyms have all the equipment for both your aerobic and strength training exercises, and some are even open 24-7, allowing it to fit well with your schedule. If you aren’t much of a gym person, invest in a set of weights and use those for different activities for muscle strengthening. My favorite form of aerobic exercise is taking a run outside. The best time is a rural road on a sunny day, but even a rainy day in the city can be just as freeing.

Diet and exercise- the necessary elements to keeping your body healthy and feeling like it should. You never have to sacrifice the things you love, just eat your favorite fatty foods in moderation, and limit your relaxing ‘lazy’ day in front of the TV to once a week and be active for the rest of the time. You’ll not only maintain a healthy body weight, but overall you will feel better about yourself, which will raise your confidence and make you a generally happier person.

At a Glance:

Who: The health-conscious
What: Eat healthy & exercise
Why & How: How to be healthy without going crazy overboard, just doing the small lifestyle changes to better your body.

February 19, 2010 - Posted by | Healthy Body

1 Comment »

  1. Great Post!

    This topic is something I’m very interested in, as I am a vegetarian training for a marathon. I found your post to be very informative and I liked the exactness of your directions.

    The post was organized very well, and I liked the picture at the top.

    I appreciated that you talked about benefits other than losing weight, which it seems so many people are obsessed with (now that “swim-suit” season is fast approaching)! I liked that you discussed more important factors such as feeling better and being healthier.

    The only thing I would recommend is to embed your links within the text so people can click on your links easier.

    Other than that, it looks great! cant wait for more posts 🙂

    Comment by Mackenzie | March 3, 2010 | Reply

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