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35 Somali Pirates Captured

“The French Defense Ministry claims one of its frigates has seized 35 pirates, four “mother ships” and six skiffs in various sweeps off the coast of Somalia.”

It seems odd that there really still are issues with pirates around the world today, but they are still out there.  The arrests that were recently made in the past few days occured in one of the most vital and busiest shipping lanes in the world. The Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean seem to be the most at-risk spots for ships to be overtaken by Somali pirates.

If there was more coverage of pirates around the world in general, we would see how big the issue actually can be. Many people see pirates as something of fiction or of old times, but they are still around. Nearly half the 47 ships hijacked off Somalia last year were taken in March and April, which are the most dangerous months of the year for ships in the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean. With over four hundred pirate attacks last year the situation has been growing steadily worse and many vessels are choosing alternative routes to avoid the risks now inherent in the area.

Luckily this week, Operation Atalanta, the attempt by an EU joint force to restrict and eliminate pirate attacks has been successful. The operation has two main purposes– to ensure the safety of passing vessels supplying aid on behalf of the World Food Programme (WFP) to those who need it in the African state and also to try and ensure no attacks take place on ordinary freight and container ships while traveling the Gulf of Aden.

March 8, 2010 - Posted by | Affected World, Society, Travel & Culture

1 Comment »

  1. I REALLY liked this story. You don’t hear much about pirates… infact I had no clue that they exsisted. Personally I wouldn’t arrest them just because I think the idea of there being pirates is way cool. But i guess they are breaking laws! bugga! Great blog though!

    Comment by aussie | March 11, 2010 | Reply

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