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Necker Nymph could be beneficial to Rip Curl Search

“Sir Richard Branson has offered to fly us to space. Now the billionaire tour agent is offering to fly us to the other great frontier, the ocean depths. Branson’s Virgin Group will be offering rides in the winged submarine called the Necker Nymph at his exclusive private island.”

Once again, we take our already great ways of transportation and completely revolutionize them. It’s great when things like this surface because it makes way for even more advancement. It currently cost $660,000 to build, charging $113,000 for a week of use.

Every new form of technology or development starts out more expensive until it is more efficiently built, and on a larger scale. The Virgin Galactic, Branson’s outer-space model charges only $87,000 more for a ride to space.

The only articles I found were the one summarizing what the Necker Nymph is and its cost, where more information should be covered on how it actually works and what are its benefits, and one on how it could be used in conjunction with Rip Curl Search.

Exact locations for the Rip Curl Pro search have not yet been released, but it is to be ‘somewhere’ in the Caribbean, coincidentally where this new Necker Nymph is located.

Necker Nymph could be just the vehicle to scout out new spots. It is expensive- but Kelly Slater or Mick Fanning could use this and “surf media would have a field day.”

February 2, 2010 Posted by | Society | 1 Comment

Review: Winco

Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, WinCo is the convenient and affordable way to shop.

“I really like the meat in the deli and they have awesome bagels, but you have to get them while they’re fresh,” Mailii Trosper said. “I really like WinCo. Whenever I go there the workers are really nice and helpful.”

WinCo Foods began in 1967 when Ralph Ward and Bud Williams founded a discount warehouse ‘Waremart’ in Boise, Idaho. The name stayed ‘Food Centers and Cub Foods’ until 1999 when it changed to WinCo Foods, which stands for Winning Company.

WinCo is located in six states:  Washington, Idaho, Nevada, California, Oregon, and Utah.

WinCo’s bulk section also makes shopping very affordable. They have pastas, cereals, snacks, candies, nuts, dried fruits, and kitchen staples such as flour, sugar, baking powder, etc.

“I think that WinCo in this region is convenient for people that are on a budget, but they don’t offer many ‘nutrtious’ foods.”  Osvaldo Galvez of Oregon State University said. “I think the only thing that it has going for it is the 24 hour service. It is my hope that Americans become more aware of what they consume.”

WinCo is definitely a cheaper way to get the things you need, but does not offer many natural or organic foods. Galvez also said he is looking forward to Trader Joe’s coming to Corvallis, which has ‘exotic and nutritious’ foods.

As compared to Albertson’s and Safe-Way, WinCo is the way to go for lower prices on same items. At WinCo, a container of Tide detergent is $18.98, where it is $25.00 at Albertson’s. Brown sugar is $0.98 at WinCo, $1.59 at Albertson’s, and $1.35 at Safe-Way. Even produce is much more affordable. Cucumbers at WinCo are $0.48, where they are $0.99 at Albertson’s and $1.19 at Safe-Way.

So for us struggling college students, WinCo is the best way to get the most for our money. It has everything you need from your food to house-hold supplies to school supplies. You can read more about WinCo at their website:

What: WinCo
Where: Corvallis, Oregon and the NorthWest
Why: Affordable- everything you need

January 22, 2010 Posted by | Society | , , | Leave a comment

Rising sea levels could wipe out largest tiger population

Because of the rising seas along the coast of Bangladesh, one of the world’s largest tiger populations could be wiped out. It is assumed that sea levels will rise 11 inches along this coast by 2070 and push the tiger population to as low as 5 tigers (according to the new World Wildlife Fund-led study published this month in the peer-reviewed journal, Climatic Change). Studies in the past have shown that tiger populations below 25 have difficulty surviving. It is necessary to address the impacts of climate change to save these tigers. Tigers are one of the world’s most threatened species, an estimated 3,200 left in the wild; 250 of those tigers are on the Indian side of the Sundarbans, and another 250 on the Bangladesh side.

This article from abc News states solely that the rising sea levels will affect tiger population, but not why or how. It is to be understood that tigers cannot adapt to any other environment and they will die off if the seas raise 11 inches, which doesn’t seem like it would make that much of an impact.

Also, the only thing we can do is become more knowledgeable about the climate change in hopes that someday we could be able to prevent this from happening.  Overall it is a well written, informative article; it just does not contain information that people interested in reading this article would like to know. Generally people reading about rising sea level due to climate change and the tiger population being wiped out would like to know how it could be prevented and what people are doing to help it.

January 21, 2010 Posted by | Affected World | , , , | 2 Comments

The Basis of your Resolution

Lose weight. Quit smoking. Exercise more. Get out of debt. Come January first, you will inevitably hear one of these New Year’s resolutions. According to, these are some of the most common resolutions made. Why do we make these resolutions, or resolutions in general?

According to surveys, only 8 percent of Americans successfully achieve their New Year’s resolutions and 45 percent fail by the end of January, says

So what? What makes us want to use a new year as a time to change our lifestyles? For many of us, a new year is a new beginning. It is a fresh start that allows us to do things differently than we have during the year prior. And what even determines our resolutions? Typically it’s to better our life- eat healthier, exercise, get financially stable. Most of us could easily say these are good goals to have, but it can get a lot deeper than that.

McKenzie Villarreal, Lebanon High School graduate, was diagnosed with cancer in early December, which made her see her life from a different perspective. “Don’t take ANYTHING for granted! Don’t take anyone or anything for granted, be greatful for the life you live no matter what, and appreciate the people around you cause tomorrow is never promised!”, Said McKenzie.

As far as appreciating the people in your life, Megan Miller of Linn-Benton Community College said “This year I want to hang out with friends and family more.” She said she spent a good amount of time with her friends, but with her moving to Klamath Falls and switching to a larger university, she said she “might as well get the most out of the time left here”.

A lot of us have even used the infamous topics of ‘religion and politics’ to base our resolutions off of. Kathy Garrett-Romanowski of Lebanon says how Obama becoming president determined her 2010 goals. “It makes me want to be even more involved politically so our country doesn’t become oppressed like communist countries. Too many have fought for our freedom. I don’t want them to have fought in vain”.

No matter what the resolution, there is generally something that happened that made you want to do things differently. Whether you gained the ‘freshman fifteen’ or racked up too many credit cards, it’s refreshing to know that a new year can give you such a clean slate to do things better.

January 15, 2010 Posted by | Society | , , | Leave a comment