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82 Endangered Coral Species Threatened

“The Obama administration will consider federal protection for 82 coral species threatened by warming water temperatures.” The National Marine Fisheries Service said that it found “substantial scientific or commercial information” that Caribbean and Indo-Pacific corals may be threatened or endangered.

With global warming occurring and ocean temperatures rising, these corals are threatened because they need very specific water temperatures to survive. It may seem like this is not a big issue, but corals are very important to our oceans. Coral holds together some of the most diverse ecosystems, such as the Great Coral Reef, and also protects our shorelines from getting completely ravaged. [Information from my Research paper on Coral Bleaching; ask in you’d like more information].

I’m glad this information is getting out more to the public, and there should be more of an emphasis on how coral isn’t a plant- it is an actual animal that is being threatened, and a crucial part of marine ecosystems. Environmentalist predict that the threatened corals could be wiped out within the next 50 years if they are not protected from the warming waters, pollution, and rising ocean acidity.

February 12, 2010 Posted by | Affected World | , , | 1 Comment