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“Illumination Project”

The Illumination Project, put on by student leadership from Portland Community College’s uses theater to promote equality, compassion, and justice for everyone, dealing mostly with Racism.

In my anthropology class, we got into a deep discussion about racism and people’s point of views toward everyone of different races. It’s so crazy for me to think that people would ever be judged on something as simple and superficial as the color of their skin.

In the skit put on by PCC today at LBCC, It dealt with how blacks are discriminated against, even today in an advanced society. In one part of the skit, the guy was pulled over for ‘having an out tail-light’, when there was actually nothing wrong with the light. Two of the guys in the skit were talking about how police officers tend to pull them over more for any excuse they can get just because they are of color, and judged to be more sketch.

Another part of the skit showed one of the guys going to buy pizza, and the cashier saying that the EBT machine wasn’t working.. implying that he would need food stamps- solely because he was of color. Things like this really open your eyes about how much racism really goes on around us, even though we fail to see it.

In all honesty, racism is bull shit. There is no reason why people should be judged even the slightest bit because of the color of their skin. God created all equal, there is no excuse for treating a person of color any different than a person of your own race.

February 20, 2010 Posted by | Society | , , , | Leave a comment